Taylor Wimpey wishes to continue engaging with local residents and businesses on proposals for a new neighbourhood west of Hoo St. Werburgh

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Taylor Wimpey has been in contact with local residents previously and wants to remain in contact as a planning application is submitted to Medway Council.

Please click here to see the presentation shown at our online events in July 2022

Our consultation has informed the plans as they are presented today. The plans which Taylor Wimpey has submitted to Medway Council:

Respond to the needs of the local area

Promote public transport, walking and cycling

Provide affordable housing

Support the local economy, creating jobs and training opportunities

Respect the amenity of existing residents

Include new sports pitches, play space and high quality open space

Invest in local infrastructure improvements, including schools, shops and healthcare

Protects existing habitats

Provides new wildlife areas and biodiversity improvements

Includes new shops and community spaces